Call for Papers

We plan to publish a Proceedings Volume of the full papers presented at the Conference. The editorial board consists of Prof. Taro Shirakawa.

In addition, each manuscript will be also reviewed by an Editorial Board of our reviewed journal, Journal of Medical Safety (ISSN 1348-6322), to publish as original articles in this journal.

Copyright of the Proceedings belongs to a publisher, which will be selected in Switzerland. No part of this publication may be reproduced, in any forms or by any means, without permission of the publisher. All head authors will receive one free copy of the Proceedings, soon after publication by mail.

Corresponding address of manuscript production: Ms. Shirley V. Chaves, International Secretary of JSRMPM, URMPM & APSRMPM.

Instruction to Authors

Manuscript Submission Deadline: Please bring your manuscript in triplicate (one original and two copies) with a cover letter, a set of separate high-resolution prints of the figures, and an electronic file in a floppy diskette to the Conference desk. Cover letter: Cover letter should include title, author(s), institution(s), number of tables, figures and reprints, and corresponding address for communication, describing that the manuscript has not been published in, or submitted to, any other journal. Approves of all authors should be attached.

Manuscript Form

Language: The manuscripts have to be written in English. Electronic files: The electronic manuscript in a floppy diskette has to be written in Microsoft Word or WordPerfect. Automatic page numbering, referencing and footnote by the software or hand are not accepted.

Arrangement of Manuscript

General information: Manuscripts should follow the 5th edition of the Uniform Requirements (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, 1997). The document is available in the following homepage.

The sequence of the manuscript should be title page, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion, acknowledgement, references, tables and figures legends.

Abstract: A structured abstract of no more than 250 words is requested, including purposes, materials and methods, major results and conclusion. Keywords: Five keywords Colored figures: Submit original color transparencies with three copies. Borrowed Material: Authors using figures or tables from another publication are requested to obtain permission both from the authors and from the publisher.


Printing fee is free for the manuscript within 10 print pages. The print fees beyond the tenth print pages are charged by 50 US$ per print page. Colored printing will be charged. Twenty reprints and one copy of the For Additional reprints there will be charged.ĦĦOne copy of the Proceedings is free for each head author, and the Conference participants. Submission fee: Free

This page is designed and maintained by Ms. Shirley V. Chaves. To contact me with suggestions, comments and questions, please e-mail me to Shirley..
(C)2004 URMPM